Where does hair start?

Where does hair begin?

Most individuals are more concerned about hair LOSS, than that of how a little thin strand is actually conceived and developed ! Let's visit the womb, that study is called "Embryology". 
It starts at a nice quiet nest called in-vitro,,,,,,,,,,

At 4 weeks in-vitro- hair & skin begin to develop
At 14 weeks in-vitro- skin develops what is called a "hair bud"
At 24 weeks in-vitro- this little bud forms a "hair follicle"

This is the stage where every hair on your body, for the rest of your life, is now established. Approximately every human will top out at around 1 million hair follicles over their entire body!

The hair count varies according to the color of hair!!
Blondes tend to usually have the highest count of approximately 140,000 hairs on the head.
Brunette's are around 110,000 hairs
Red heads have the least usually, and can be as low as 90,000. Amazing when you actually start to put a number to it!

Hair is a simple structure, but has important functions. 
Hair is for the purpose of protection, preservation of heat, and prevents bacteria from body invasion through the skin. Hair is made of a tough protein called keratin. 

The hair bulb forms at the base of the hair follicle. In the hair bulb, living cells divide and grow to build the hair shaft, blood vessels is the life support to the hair bulb, supplying nourishment. 

Hair varies in how fast it will grow, but the average is 1/2" per month. 

Hair also serves as a "social function" and is known for being our "adornment".
For as long as we have had mirrors, mankind has fretted over their hair and their appearance. Hair has been used for praise, and for punishment throughout centuries. In the Biblical days, it speaks of Elijah being made fun of by children for his "bald head". The Bible also references that as women, long hair being her "glory". The Roman general Julius Caesar wore a laurel wreath to cover his bald head! Romans were ordered to shave their heads, so hair has been used for many different ways to show power.  

There is a cycle that hair growth follows, that results in a full, luscious head of hair. There are 3 main stages of the Hair Growth Cycle. Anagen, Catagen, and Telogen.
Anagen- growth phase, in this phase a hair can remain here for 2-6 years. 
Catagen- transitional phase- hair growth slows down and the hair follicle shrinks, about 2-3 weeks this process can take
Telogen- resting phase- the hair is no longer anchored to the hair root, and a new hair is developing and in the growth phase, and will push the old hair out. This phase can take about 100 days. 
The problem is, when this cycle is disrupted, the whole cycle is thrown off and hair loss starts occurring. This then becomes what is called "miniaturization of the hair".

As you can see in the diagram above, you start with a full luscious head of hair, and as the hair loss starts to occur, the hair's diameter reduces, the thinning is occurring, which can eventually lead to hair loss.

Here is a full amount of hair under a microscope of 200x.

Microscope 200x 

Clearly, one can see the difference in the amount of hair as well as the diameter size of the strand. Miniaturization is starting to occur.

There are various hair conditions that lead to hair loss, as well as other factors that contribute to
hair loss and hair thinning.

Reference the blog suggested above, for more information on the difference between hair thinning and hair loss.

The best part is there is treatment for hair loss besides Hair transplants, Hair extensions, invasive and surgical procedures that are risky. They are costly, and they require upkeep. 
Here at HAIR GROWTH CLINIC we offer consultations with up-to-date technology to access exactly what is going on, and can then set you up on a plan that is designed specifically for your hair care growth program, and its NOT surgical!!! We offer Natural programs, and more aggressive plans, depending on your individual needs. At Hair Growth Clinic we have certified Tricholgists on hand to offer a private, personal, confidential clinical consultation. 



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