Hashimoto's disease and Hair Loss- Pt 2

Hair loss and Hashimoto's disease!

Thyroid disorders can lead to what is called hypothyroidism, which is an underactive thyroid gland. The Thyroid plays a very important role in the development and maintenance of the hair follicle. 
Hypothyroidism can possibly lead to hair loss, not just on the scalp, but also on other parts of the body. 
Hashimoto's disease is also a disorder of the thyroid gland. What Hashimoto's disease is, is when the immune system attacks the thyroid gland in the neck. There is a little butterfly shaped gland in the front of the neck, and that is the Thyroid Gland. 

*Difference between Hashimoto's and hypothyroidism is that Hashimoto's is caused by a malfunction of the immune system, whereas hypothyroidism is not influenced by the immune system, and caused by not enough thyroid hormones. 

So how does this influence hair loss?
 A lot of people with thyroid disfunction shed hair. Whenever the natural growth cycle of hair growth is imbalanced, the process of growing, shedding and regrowing are also out of sync. Whether there is hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid), hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid), Hashimoto's disease (malfunction of the immune system that attacks the thyroid),  there will be instability in the growth cycle, sometimes resulting in hair becoming fine, thinning, and occasionally resulting in hair balding. There are 3 main phases the normal hair cycle will go through. 
1st- Anagen phase, active growing phase, anchored to the hair root
2nd- Catagen phase- transitional phase, separates from the hair root, no longer anchored
3rd- Telogen phase- resting phase, before the hair falls out and the new little hair emerges, and pushes the old hair out.

So if there are too many hairs in the resting phase and not enough new hairs to replace the old hairs, the cycle is thrown off balance and "miniaturization of the hair follicles" begins,  hair loss starts to occur, which increases over time.

The good news is, is that this can be stopped and the natural hair growth cycle can return back to normalcy! Once the thyroid issue has been diagnosed, the right treatment is prescribed to regulate the thyroid issue, the hair loss may resolve itself, but understand this can take time. In some cases, this can 'trigger" an on going situation of continued hair loss, where you may feel it is worsening, or research out other information, that's when it's best to reach out to a certified Trichologist. A Trichologist is the specialization of hair loss, hair balding and scalp issues. We understand. We can educate you. Were a coach to assist you on that journey to hair restoration, with NO surgical approach, NON-INVASIVE, 100% effective treatment plans!! Along with your medication to regulate the thyroid, a solid effective treatment plan, here are some home remedies you may want to instill into your routine:
1. Boost Iron- Iron is one of the most important minerals for thyroid function
2. Eat Well
3. Add anti-inflammatory foods:
             Berries, Fish, Broccoli, Avocados, Green Tea, 
             Peppers, Mushrooms, Grapes, Turmeric, Extra Virgin
             Olive Oil, Dark Chocolate, Tomatoes, Cherries
4. Consider Herbs- Indian Ginseng, Rehmannia, Rhodiola 
             these help with stress responses
5. Watch Iodine intake- It can trigger hypothyroidism, you 
              take Iodine, but avoid it as a supplement
6. Consider removing gluten from your diet
7. Treat hair gently, as it is in a fragile state

Nutrition and health play a huge part in hair loss and hair growth. Healthy hair requires a complexity of nutrients and oxygen, but when the follicle is not healthy, hair loss or thinning occurs.

This informational dialog is put forth to guide you, and give you hope for new hair growth. Thyroid issues can be difficult to understand, and can create fear of the unknown. 
Call Hair Growth Clinic today for a free consultation. Let's get to the "ROOT" of the problem...… together. 

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Parker, Colorado

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