
Showing posts from March, 2020

Hashimoto's disease and Hair Loss- Pt 2

Hair loss and Hashimoto's disease! Thyroid disorders can lead to what is called hypothyroidism, which is an underactive thyroid gland. The Thyroid plays a very important role in the development and maintenance of the hair follicle.  Hypothyroidism can possibly lead to hair loss, not just on the scalp, but also on other parts of the body.  Hashimoto's disease is also a disorder of the thyroid gland. What Hashimoto's disease is, is when the immune system attacks the thyroid gland in the neck. There is a little butterfly shaped gland in the front of the neck, and that is the Thyroid Gland.  *Difference between Hashimoto's and hypothyroidism is that Hashimoto's is caused by a malfunction of the immune system, whereas hypothyroidism is not influenced by the immune system, and caused by not enough thyroid hormones.  So how does this influence hair loss?  A lot of people with thyroid disfunction shed hair. Whenever the natural growth cycle of hair gro...

Thyroidism and Hair Loss -Pt 1

Can Thyroid Disease cause hair loss? Thyroid disorders are common, so common that 12% of the population will experience some abnormal thyroid disfunction at some point in their lifetime. We have statistics that women are more likely to develop a thyroid disorder than men.  Here at Hair Growth Clinic , we experience women with a thyroid situation, and most of them do not know that a thyroid disease, whether hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) or hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) can have the possible side effect of hair loss. Thyroid hormones play an essential role in the development and maintenance of the hair follicle.   Thyroid disease causes hormone levels to drop off or rise to unhealthy levels, and this imbalance causes hair loss due to the hair growth cycle being effected. Your hair follicles follow a natural cycle of hair growth, and different phases. At any time, when this is thrown off, when there are too many hairs in the resting cycle and not enough hairs...

What exactly is NORMAL hair loss?

This is a huge question for many people!!               When you are watching hair go down the drain in clumps, or fall onto your sweater or shirt, gasping at your hairbrush in fear you've lost more than what will grow back, that is no laughing matter, and the question becomes...…. What is normal hair loss? We've all seen the individual in the store that has lost most all of their hair, and our next fear is, "Am I going to be that person"! There are various sources that declare many numbers: American Academy of Dermatologists- 50 to 100 strands of hair per day. US Trichology Institute- 25-100 strands of hair per day. The HairPin- 100- 125 per day Healthline- 50 to 100 per day Web MD- 50 to 100 per day So the point here being, there's really no hard, fast number, there's a general idea, but who counts these hairs?  It's easy to assume there must be something causing this hair loss, but the truth is, every person of every age. will l...

Hair Growth Results just in!!

Alert!!!!   Results Just In!!! JUST IN!!! Hair Growth Clinic has just reported its latest results in hair growth rejuvenation!!! Female Age 63 Alopecia Areata (bald patches) 10 weeks on the Hair Growth Clinic plan Front View Right Side View Bald patch, hair growth will never  be accomplished in the center but the outer rim is thickening  allowing for better coverage Decreasing in size of patch 10 weeks of treatment Suffering from hair loss? Contact Hair Growth Clinic today!!! We are Denver's leading hair loss rejuvenation team!! 720.646.5329 For a Free Consultation

Difference between hair LOSS and hair THINNING

Is there a difference                             Between Hair LOSS                                            And hair THINNING? While hair loss can be a quick or prolonged process, it depends on the cause, hair thinning , also described as hair quantity decrease, is generally felt more over time with age, resulting in fewer, smaller and weaker hair follicles. The medical term for hair loss is Alopecia. Alopecia can be temporary or permanent. The most common and normal process is the loss of hair over time and aging. This is called Androgentic Alopecia. It also the most treatable.  Hair Loss versus Hair Shedding . Normal hair loss is anywhere from 25-100 hairs a day, in the NORMAL shedding cylce. Keep in mind, this can be different from person to person. Another thought is if the ha...

What are some hair loss options?

What is Trichology?           Trichology is a branch of the medicinal and cosmetic study, research, and care of the human hair and scalp.  Damaged hair, 400x             Trichology is one who specializes in hair loss, hair balding and scalp issues.  Miniaturization of the hair follicle is the biggest cause of hair loss. The follicle shrinks, the hair thins more and more over time, eventually leading to hair balding.  Hair loss is progressive and does not go away. This type of hair loss is the most treatable, so what are the options? 1. Hair Transplants - very expensive $$$$ not every person is eligible, does not stop continued loss, transplants are a risk, many testimonies of disappointment and failure. Touch ups are needed. 2. Volumizers - Great for pumping up the hair design, but does not stop hair loss, or rejuvenate hair growth. 3.  Monet- 7 treatment system, no...