Does Hair Growth Clinic have any success??
The reason I started this journey was to be able to help individuals that suffered from alopecia (hair loss). Alopecia comes in many different forms, some easier to treat than others, but more hair loss can be treated than untreated. So take hope.....don't underestimate the power of today's technology!! We have various treatments, depending on each clients situation. Others need more aggressive plans than some other clients. At Hair Growth Clinic we offer what we reference as multi-therapy plans, and each person varies according to their degree of hair loss and what is the underlying cause. The purpose of our FREE consultations is to get to the "ROOT" of why they are losing hair, and they will receive a private, in depth consultation, including education, and a complete medical history evaluation. Hair Growth Clinic offers up-to-date technology for superior assessment and conclusions. We offer payment plans as well. Here is a Female, age 63, Diagnosed with Alope...